Tag Archives: Nocturnal Pullover

First Adult Sweater

30 Jan

I finally did it! I knitted an adult sweater. After much procrastination & fear, I decided I could do it.

While I was waiting for my Knit Picks order to come in, my mom took me on a yarn shopping spree as an early birthday present. (My birthday isn’t until February 20, so it was very early!)

I decided to knit the Nocturnal Pullover by Cassie Castillo. I found the sweater in the 2012 Knit Scene fall issue. It has two thing I love; owls and lace, so why would I pass the chance up to knit it?

It took me a few weeks, but it was a really easy pattern to knit. The yarn I used was Sandnes Alpakka in plum. This was my first time using Alpaca and I just loved how soft it was.

Here I am in my new sweater! I apologize for the really bad & unflattering photo! Also, dark purple sweaters with designs are hard to photograph!

I think I will have to block it once more as it keeps riding up & not staying in place.

Here is the best close up I managed to get of the owl.


I’ve started working on my next sweater with my Knit Picks yarn. The pattern is confusing me quite a bit, but I’m sure I will get it soon. Hopefully I will have my next sweater done and up on here in 3-4 weeks!